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<h1>大家看便是</h1><br /><br /><p>CAMEO(卡米爾股份有限公司)成立於2000年6月,技術核心由三位交通大學資訊博士設計,專長領域包含:大數據分析、機器學習、UX使用者經驗設計、數據視覺化、策略管理。結合「機器學習」與「決策智慧」:創造真實價值,是CAMEO的信念。我們相信數據的價值來自於人類洞見,而預測分析的成功,依賴人類有效執行。CAMEO捲起袖子深入了解每位客戶的產業及問題,致力於資料分析、使用者行為分析、語意分析、推薦演算法研發、檢索引擎技術、異質資料來源整合,與企業資訊安全加密系統建置等服務。</p><br /><br /><p>數據化營運是目前的熱門關鍵字,具體到操作層面,這又體現出了線上零售的一個重要特徵:資訊可視。透過網站的基礎可視數據,我們能夠全面了解一家電商的基本情況。通策資訊首席營運長譚磊在本文中列出電子商務網站經營者一定要注意的數據,供所有經營者參考。</p><br /><br /><p>同時,他也表示,做數據分析時,不需要等到所有數據都準備好才開始,可以先從手上有限的數據先進行分析。在電商營運的各個環節,都需要以數據為基礎。數據充斥在營運的各個環節,所以成功的營運一定是基於數據的。當我們有了足夠的數據之後,我們可以不再依賴主觀判斷,而讓數據成為公司裡的裁判。</p><br /><br /><br /><br /><p>理想情況下,如果我們能夠追踪一切數據,那麼我們所有的決策都可以理所當然地基於數據。當我們養成以數據為導向的習慣之後,做營運就有了依據,不再是憑經驗盲目運作。那麼在電子商務網站的營運實際操作中,到底哪些數據是我們必須認真閱讀仔細挖掘的?基於數據的電子商務營運到底是什麼樣的?</p><br /><br /><p>在電商營運的各個環節中有很多數據,我們先來看看比較重要的數據點。● 訪客數:訪客的數量,或者說流量,是電子商務網站的基礎。沒有流量,所有的一切工作就沒有了基礎。● 轉換率:流量的轉換率是各家電子商務企業十分重視的一個指標,它同樣也是衡量店鋪及網站引入流量是否優質的一個重要標準。</p><br /><br /><p>在相同流量的情況下,只需要提升轉換率,就可以提升整體收入。● 客單價:銷量好的商品應該是客戶喜歡的商品,但我們不能因為某些商品的小銷量而忽略其潛力。 [https://www.satismax.hk/ 數碼營銷] 、商品相關數據、訂單相關數據、客戶相關數據和品牌相關數據等等。</p><br /><br /><p>電子商務營運的各個環節都需要以數據為依據,而對於數據我們也需要進行處理。當然,不需要等到所有的數據都準備好了再來做數據分析,可以根據手中有限的數據開始,等有了更多的數據之後,再啟用新的方式和算法對新的數據做分析。分析流量來源最主要的原因是讓我們能夠更好地了解自己的潛在客戶。</p><br /><br /><p>要做好用戶體驗,我們首先就需要了解潛在客戶的人群屬性、時空屬性和興趣屬性,相當於對他們做了背景調查。只有詳細了解了訪客,我們才能有的放矢。● 分析流量的來源特點:流量的來源包括搜尋引擎、關鍵詞購買、外部連結和直接訪問等。不同的流量都有各自的特點,而因為這些特點,各自的作用也是不盡相同的。</p><br /><br /><p>● 分析訪客的時空屬性:如果訪客時空屬性可以和我們網站的商品屬性相匹配,那麼流量變現的效果會有提升。● 分析訪客的人群屬性:關於訪客的資訊(包括訪客的年齡、性別、學歷、收入等)可以從大量的網頁瀏覽記錄和網絡行為中識別出來。</p><br /><br /><p>關於訪客的資訊越多,訪客網頁瀏覽記錄越多,我們對這些人群屬性的判斷就越精準。如果我們能夠準確把握流量來源的人群屬性,就可以使得商品的推送更加精準。● 分析客戶的興趣屬性:通過流量來源的特性分析我們可以對客戶的興趣點有一定分析,從客戶的興趣點出發,我們能更好的推送產品資訊。</p><br /><br /><p>不過我們要注意,對於流量的分析,關於訪客的人群屬性和興趣屬性的判斷對於每個人不是100%準確的。如果你的網站相對比較簡單,則可以直接採用Google Analytics等網站分析工具來對網站做流量分析。不過如果網站比較複雜,那麼我們需要使用構建系統工具透過日誌分析來了解網站訪問的詳細資訊。</p><br /><br /><p>如果能夠結合多個網站上的日誌分析,我們可以了解客戶在進入網站前和進入網站後的行為,從而更加深入了解客戶對網站上的商品和內容的興趣。因為每個客戶的使用習慣是不同的,因而他們對於網站的要求也是不一樣的。在優化頁面時,我們只能考慮到大多數人的需求。</p><br /><br /><p>當然,如果我們能夠很清晰地把對頁面有特殊要求的人群區分出來,針對他們做特定的優化也是可以的。● 網站內容:頻繁更新的文章、和商品相關的專題、公司的官方部落格以及微博的連結、網站上各個位置的網路分享功能,此外,應當提供便捷的客戶溝通工具。</p><br /><br /><p>● 頁面跳出率和二跳率:跳出率和二跳率是用來衡量外部流量質量的重要指標。簡單來說,跳出率越低越好,而二跳率是越高越好的。● 頁面熱度分析:熱力圖以亮點顏色的深淺來顯示訪客熱衷的頁面區域,顏色越亮,越說明訪客喜歡點擊這個位置。</p><br /><br /><p>運用熱力圖,網站分析者可以清楚地看到頁面上每一個區域的訪客興趣焦點,這種方法非常直觀。轉換率變化所受各種因素的影響非常大。不同廣告帶來的流量轉換率不一樣,不同類目的平均轉換率不一樣,不同品牌的平均轉換率不一樣,不同定位的商家平均轉換率不一樣,甚至同一類目相同定位的商家平均轉換率也是大不一樣的。</p><br /><br /><p>而對於同一個商家來說,不同階段和不同商品的轉換率也不是一個固定值,會受到商品價位,圖片展示方式等因素影響。所以首先我們要了解一個客戶在網站上的購買流程,抓住每一個環節的數據。促使客戶下訂單的四個關鍵因素是:高質量、低價格、全新產品、安全。</p><br /><br /><p>做好網站的用戶體驗,使得客戶能夠有這樣的感覺,他們下單的可能性會提升,從而使得轉換率有提升。到電子商務網站的客戶有以下四種類型:購買型、促銷型、瀏覽型、尋求售後服務型。如果我們從客戶的角度分析,能夠成功分辨出客戶屬於哪個類型,對症下藥,那麼轉換率一定會提升。</p><br /><br /><p>  A股利空文先打住,講個跟今時市道有較大關連的發展。  今時網上營銷很注重大數據,此即按照上網者所瀏覽的網頁,從而決定上網者的購物喜好,並及時推出合適的產品廣告,成功推銷與之。不少人認為這個科技真厲害,但說實了,太陽之下無新事。</p><br /><br /><p>  筆者看過一則推銷保險的故事,有位保險推銷員向老農推銷醫療保險,年紀大,機器壞,買醫療保險,應該嘛,但老農硬不答應,有天推銷員改推人壽保險,老農死了之後有筆錢留給家少。  (1)不要以你一己認為之需,當是顧客所需。  (2)要知顧客真實所需,才可冇衰。</p><br /><br /><p>  上述故事漏了個很重要環節,推銷員怎知悉老農不肯買自己病的保險,卻肯買自己死的保險!一句講晒,父愛偉大,自己病可以不醫,但死,則要益後代。  是否這位老農的父愛特別偉大?相信不,如果各位家有神主牌,上面兩句聯多是:「心田先祖種,福地後人耕。」何止父愛偉大,爺愛也偉大,太爺愛也偉大。</p><br /><br /><p>之不過今時不少不肖子孫不肯對先(前)人的付出,有所感激而矣!前人對後人關愛,不是新鮮事,後人不對前人關愛也不是新鮮事,話之你用心去感受還是用電腦去察覺,都是關愛與不關愛之別。推銷者如處處靠電腦(即是統計),而不是用心去看,相信成功不用靠人腦,而是靠電腦,此人九成冇腦。  筆者去格價,首先不問所欲買之貨之價,而是問不想買,但已知價之貨。</p><br />
It's accessible cloud and as a hardware together using One Time payment for lifetime use Center of Video on Demand is provided in Livebox: It will be really for the viewers to select and watch the video that is required by these Center to Use Each streaming Server to get variety of requirements -- Telecast of all church services. On Line Sunday Classes, Any apps of this congregation from the church. Make your own personal Multiple Streaming Server: - Supplying live streaming service for Multiple Churches all around the globe.<br /><br /><br />All Of TV Channel Software Considering to make Multiple TV Channel of Churches: Multiple licenses of Playout, Mixing and Streaming software &amp; Server is provided on higher plans of Ruby Plus to start &amp; broadcast Multiple 24x7 TV Stations of numerous churches in various places to broadcast as WebTV, Mobile TV, Social Media TV, which may be viewed all apparatus too on TV through internet Set Top box.<br />Along with the aforementioned there are immense possibilities to use it for a Variety of prerequisites for your church Multiple Two way Live Text Chat Provided for any 24x7 Interactive help or Prayer Request for Live video salvation or help for any function from anywhere in the whole world -<br />It supports all types Video Streaming needed for whole Church Activities.<br /><br />Multiple Mobile Live Streaming Apps is Provided: To any live streaming activity of the church outside the church premises anywhere to live stream &amp; broadcasting using any Android Mobile Phone Fully secured. Through internet protocol address or username and password to broadcast to only specific viewers. Server Transcoding is Provided: Server Transcoding is provided for a enormous range of viewers at various internet levels -who like to observe the app from exceptionally high quality in quite high internet connection also to audiences to view in extremely low internet connection. OTT -Video Apps Supplied: to pick &amp; view all 24x7 stations that is provided. Facility to broadcast Live Multiple Social-media Platforms Simultaneously: Each Live Streaming Server could broadcast and distribute on multiple Social Networking Marketing Platforms of YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.. It can even broadcast on multiple accounts of each social media.<br />With its Multiple computer software &amp; Apps. Education &amp; Training: Each of required software for training is available from the provider with endless Licenses. To Present Internal Training, training, Virtual Class room training, together with Live Video, Live Presentation and &amp; Live Twoway Chat etc..<br /><br />

Revision as of 16:25, 14 June 2019

It's accessible cloud and as a hardware together using One Time payment for lifetime use Center of Video on Demand is provided in Livebox: It will be really for the viewers to select and watch the video that is required by these Center to Use Each streaming Server to get variety of requirements -- Telecast of all church services. On Line Sunday Classes, Any apps of this congregation from the church. Make your own personal Multiple Streaming Server: - Supplying live streaming service for Multiple Churches all around the globe.

All Of TV Channel Software Considering to make Multiple TV Channel of Churches: Multiple licenses of Playout, Mixing and Streaming software & Server is provided on higher plans of Ruby Plus to start & broadcast Multiple 24x7 TV Stations of numerous churches in various places to broadcast as WebTV, Mobile TV, Social Media TV, which may be viewed all apparatus too on TV through internet Set Top box.
Along with the aforementioned there are immense possibilities to use it for a Variety of prerequisites for your church Multiple Two way Live Text Chat Provided for any 24x7 Interactive help or Prayer Request for Live video salvation or help for any function from anywhere in the whole world -
It supports all types Video Streaming needed for whole Church Activities.

Multiple Mobile Live Streaming Apps is Provided: To any live streaming activity of the church outside the church premises anywhere to live stream & broadcasting using any Android Mobile Phone Fully secured. Through internet protocol address or username and password to broadcast to only specific viewers. Server Transcoding is Provided: Server Transcoding is provided for a enormous range of viewers at various internet levels -who like to observe the app from exceptionally high quality in quite high internet connection also to audiences to view in extremely low internet connection. OTT -Video Apps Supplied: to pick & view all 24x7 stations that is provided. Facility to broadcast Live Multiple Social-media Platforms Simultaneously: Each Live Streaming Server could broadcast and distribute on multiple Social Networking Marketing Platforms of YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.. It can even broadcast on multiple accounts of each social media.
With its Multiple computer software & Apps. Education & Training: Each of required software for training is available from the provider with endless Licenses. To Present Internal Training, training, Virtual Class room training, together with Live Video, Live Presentation and & Live Twoway Chat etc..